Mini Blog - Unsure what to Buy?!

Have you ever been in the position where you are really unsure what art to buy? The choice is endless and can be overwhelming when faced with so many online choices as well as the copious amounts of art fairs and shows on the go. I've worked out that over the course of the I have already attended eleven art shows and it has been really scaled back as I've had such a busy year. But I will do a round of the best art shows on another blog post!

The contemporary art market is a complex old beast and sometimes it pays dividends to seek out expert advice by employing the services of an Art Consultant to help you navigate it. It makes perfect sense and by going this route you will be able to source unique finds that you won't find replicated elsewhere.

It is for this reason that Oneoffto25 offers an art sourcing, art curation and buying service to help you find rare and unusual pieces of art for your home or business. 

We offer expert advice to ensure that we help you to create the right ambience by selecting the appropriate artwork to fulfill your needs. Plus our bespoke service is tailored to you so that we can understand your requirements and fulfill the brief in time and on budget. 

Get in touch to find out more.